ChiCycle community ride Starting at Fishbourne

ChiCycle community ride Starting at Fishbourne

January 19, 2020

Not strictly a Centurion Way event but we anticipate many local path users will wish to join the ChiCycle community ride raising awareness of traffic safety and in commemoration of Gina McWilliam. The A259 is supposed to be accompanied by a good quality cycle route and in a few places the provision for cycles is adequate. However the South Coast Cycle Route along the A259 has many safety issues and one of these sadly caused Gina McWilliam's death in November 2019. ChiCycle and ChEmRoute are campaigning for a high quality and safe cycle route along the entire stretch of the A259 between Emsworth and Chichester. Sunday 19th Jan meet at the junction of Fishbourne Road West and Salthill Road from 1.45 pm for a minute’s silence at 2 pm and then a ride westwards down the ChEmRoute. It also marks ten years of ChiCycle.

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