Dear Friends of Centurion Way Supporters
You kindly gave us your email and online support some years ago when we were fighting to save the path from diversion by the developers of Whitehouse Farm. Thanks to you and a public campaign, we saved the original route of the path!
Since then, the community has stepped up to bridge the gap in Council funding – a hard-working volunteer User Group helps maintain the path and cuts back undergrowth, and Friends of Centurion Way have continued to campaign to save this cherished path and its artwork from decline.
Our current plans are ambitious – to restore the charming and attractive Gateway Arch over the start of Centurion Way near Bishop Luffa school and the railway bridge – the arch fell down in 2015 and West Sussex County Council (Highways) put it in storage. We now have almost raised enough to reinstate the archway. Indeed, we already raised enough to cover what we originally believed would be the reinstalment costs. However, because Centurion Way is registered as a highway, there is an additional £4,000 cost to have a licenced firm install the Arch in full compliance with West Sussex County Council policy.
We are ready to restore the arch in galvanised steel to ensure a long life whilst retaining the original artwork, and to put this landmark back next to the railway bridge, where it stood for over 20 years. It’s a wonderful gateway from the city to the Downs, and a meeting place for three national cycle ways – Centurion Way, Salterns Way and ChEmRoute (NCN2).
With the support of the South Downs National Park Authority, we want to install two information boards – one at the arch and one at the Gang Men sculptures at the amphitheatre. We would love to extend this to a third board and a resting bench by the arch if funds permit!
There are regular FOCW events on the path, which have been reported in the local press and on our informative website and Facebook account.
We have never asked our supporters for any money for our campaigning, events, insurance or operating costs. Now we ask you to donate now towards the Arch. Grants from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, City Council, Miller Homes etc allowed us to kick off the project, but now a community fundraise for the last £4000 towards the arch and interpretation boards is the final step. Our target date is the end of February 2025 – in due course, the area around the arch will be re-landscaped as part of the future southern access road, but the path remains protected and on its current route and the developers have committed to working around the restored arch and the path to enhance this area.
For information, we link/include pictures below the horizontal line showing the arch and the other three artworks on the path. Also an example of other civic work in Fareham from our blacksmith. For updates, pictures and more information, please go to our website at Or follow us on Facebook or email our project lead volunteer, Carley Sitwell, on for more information.
We have no plans to ask for money again, but if you enjoy the path and care about protecting it for the next generation, then please support us with a donation for the arch & boards. We are a small group of volunteers that have achieved big things so far, and we are really grateful for your support.
If everyone who enjoys the path and its artwork gives us a small donation – we shall easily smash our target! Please step up and give what you can to enhance the path for the next generation! THANK YOU from the Friends of Centurion Way
Please donate through crowdfunding at GoFundMe at: – look up our page Centurion Way Gateway Arch
OR scan the QR code on your phone for a link to GoFundMe
OR donate directly into our bank account (Sort: 30-96-26, Lloyds a/c: 37087460)
to save crowdfunding fees – but please do email to let us know you have contributed.
QR code for GoFundMe

The Original Gateway Arch in 1995

The Chichester Road Gang created by David Kemp 1995

The Amphitheatre Earthworks designed by Justin Marshall 1995

Primary Hangers at Lavant Road Bridge created by Richard Farrington

The Falklands Arch Fareham by Peter Clutterbuck