Group Resource & Plans Archive

CDC – Delivering Green Infrastructure in the Local Plan Area – January 2016 – Final Version.
This document (currently as of 05 Jan 2020) can be found on CDC website under… Home > Planning and development > Planning policy > Supplementary planning documents and policy guidance.
Policy 52 Green Infrastructure, Point 7. states that for development plans to be approved; “The proposals do not lead to the dissection of the linear network of cycleways, public rights of way, bridleways and ecological corridors such as ancient woodlands, hedgerows, ditches and water environments.”

(new timescale for Southern Access Road starts on page 145!) Planning Committee – East Pallant House on Wednesday 8 January 2020 Public Document Pack


Land West of Chichester Infrastructure Steering Group meeting Oct 2019 Documents

West Sussex County Council’s Cycle Design Guide goes live!

Copy of Cycle Design Guide.

Some Points for Discussion in the Infrastructure Steering Group Committee meeting 17th June 2019 regarding the S106 Westgate-Sherbourne Rd Junction Highway works.

Cream Teas Poster ODG format

Planning Details of West of Chichester Development (shows S106 agreements)

DfT Manual For  Streets First published 2007

DfT Cycle Provision Guidlines 2008

West of Chichester Cycle Strategy for Phase 1 -2541590

Family Friendly Bike Ride Poster

Pub Quiz Poster (Draft)

Out for the count (Easter Activity)


Beaver Bridge single page footbridge PDF

Miller and Linden homes exhibition Thursday 31st January 2019 plans are available from their website here

Agenda for meeting on 7th Feb 2019

Valentine Poster PDF format for event on Feb 9th

Centurion Logo With Buntings for Summer Event

Minutes of Marks Minutes and Julia’s Minutes & notes Tuesday 8 January 2019

Beaver Bridges revised quote for footbridge

FoCW rough plan for bridge to carry Bishop Luffa across Centurion Way from the school to the new proposed sports field.

Sustrans Guideline document on bridge specification

Initial beaver quote for footbridge Email 5.Monkey Island Hotel  4.John-Lewis.-Case-Study   3.BB1166 Hounslow Highways Grand Union Canal Footbridge 2.BB. Example Case Studies 1A. BB Accreditations List 1.BB Company Profile

Agenda for Tuesday 8th Jan 2019 meeting

Signup Poster With QR Code in PDF Format & Signup Poster With QR Code in ODG format

BeatingTheBounds poster for Jan 1st 2019 event

Minutes FOCW Meeting 4 Dec 18

Two Christmas Event Posters kindly designed by Dominic Webster Poster1 & Poster2

QR Code Image that links device users to this websites home page.

WGRA leaflet-1 Better formatted version of Westgate leaflet Nov 2018

WestgatePostersAndLeaflets2018 Material for Westgate meeting Nov 2018

WestDeanLeaflet Leaflet aimed at Cyclists in West Dean Christmas 2018

FOCW Core Objectives FoCW Core Objectives agreed at the 6th Nov 2018 Meeting

Halloween Activity Sheet

Halloween Leaflet (loosely based on previous leaflet).

Halloween Poster 2018



Image file of Comic Centurion Way Logo often used for posters

Poster for Bat Walk on Saturday August 18th 2018

Friends of Centurion Way Infrastructure Steering Group Handout

Sign up Sheet July 12

Summer Festival Related Documents 2018

Centurion Way Easter Poster (Date may be revised)

Plans from November Whitehouse Farm Public Exhibition at Chichester City
These files are too large for our server so this is a link to them from a site controlled by the developers. It is worth downloading them to your PC while they are still available.

Chichester Bishop Luffa plan A more sympathetic solution by John Grimshaw. Includes place for Bishop Luffa coaches to pick up and drop off students without needing to block the path (developer plans would cause coaches to pick up and drop off students students in a way that would block the cycleway forcing cyclists into the rush hour motor vehicle traffic) and an interesting bridge option to maintain separation of pedestrians/cyclists from motor car traffic.

Appendix-5ii This developers’ draft proposal shows very sharp turns as path is diverted well to the west around new playing fields to join new southern access road to new housing estate.

Appendix 5i Developers’ draft proposal for western part of southern access road and playing field diversion of path. Shows path joins new road significantly more westward than current exit.

110013-A-80.1 – Centurion Way Diversion_Sections Plan Developers’ draft proposal showing gradients and sections of diversion of path around playing fields.

Chichester diversions 15Nov17(1) A more moderate diversion plan for going around Bishop Luffa school playing field which maintains better separation of traffic (by John Grimshaw)

110013-A-80 – Centurion Way Diversion_Gradients Plan Developers’ draft proposal for re-routing path around Bishop Luffa school playing fields which leaves the path ending finishing much further to the west (away from town centre) where it joins a new southern access road to new housing estate.

2013 Proposed plan shows complete cutting off of Southern end of Centurion Way Proposed plan from 2013 supplied by Mike White

WestDeanExtension Kindly sent to us by Simon Elliott who was part of the project team for the original scheme and was responsible for the extension to West Dean. Having seen our group on the Observer website, he thought we might like a copy of the study produced in 2000 which led to the extension from Lavant to West Dean.