The FOCW Pub Quiz

The FOCW Pub Quiz

May 14, 2019

Pub Quiz, Tuesday 14 May
As part of our Fund-raising efforts, and to have some fun, we are organising a Pub Quiz at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 14 May in the Rainbow Inn, St Paul’s Road. All are welcome but numbers are limited to 60, so please pay the entrance fee of £5 per head to one of the Friends in advance if you would like to take part. We are encouraging people to make up teams of no more than 6.

For tickets contact Philip Maber:
Phone: 01243 811672
Address: Garden Copse Cottage,
Singleton, PO18 0HH

56 St Paul's Road,
Chichester , PO19 3LJ PO19 3BW
01243 783122

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