FOCW News Letter No6 March 2019

Fund Raising Campaign

The Whitehouse Farm Planning Application was approved partly on the grounds that it would encourage sustainable transport modes such as walking or cycling as a means of linking the development to the surrounding area. Centurion Way can go a long way towards facilitating this. However, in order to establish whether this requirement is being achieved, the current use of the path needs to be monitored to establish a base line against which future use can be measured.
As indicated in the March issue of the Chichester Society Newsletter, we are looking to raise funds to buy two radio beam trackers to give 24/7 coverage of the path. The full cost of installing two such counters would be about £5,000. However, a first step would be to set up a temporary monitoring station where costs are much lower at only £600 per counter or £1,200.
There’s an automated cycle counter located near the bridge at Hunters Race operated by West Sussex County Council. This records an average of 80 bikes a day during the winter months, compared with around 145 in the summer. However, pedestrian numbers are not recorded. The Friends compiled very useful data just over a year ago when volunteers surveyed all users near Bishop Luffa School and the rail footbridge. We believe this section of the path is very well used and carries a great many people, including Bishop Luffa pupils.
We’ve asked the County Council to fund this purchase without success. This is why The Friends of Centurion Way has launched a campaign to raise the money and install additional counters. We are asking the help of Chichester’s residents and Friends of Centurion Way supporters. If, reading this newsletter, you would like to make a donation to the project we ask that you send it to the Friends of Centurion Way Lloyds bank account at Sort Code 30-96-26, Account No. 37087460, quoting ‘Counter Fund’ as the reference. Centurion Way’s future depends on the help of everyone.

Pub Quiz, Tuesday 14 May

As part of our Fund-raising efforts, and to have some fun, we are organising a Pub Quiz at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 14 May in the Rainbow Inn, St Paul’s Road. All are welcome but numbers are limited to 60, so please pay the entrance fee of £5 per head to one of the Friends in advance if you would like to take part. We are encouraging people to make up teams of no more than 6.

Gingerbread Hares, 9th March

We continue to hold our regular events on the 2nd Saturday of each month. The last event on 9th March, Gingerbread Hares, was a great success and we made several new contacts. As usual those using the path ranged from young families teaching their children how to ride a bike, to people on mobility scooters. There were cyclists experiencing the freedom of biking in a safe environment and others crossing the railway bridge to and from the shops.

Philips photos from March Hare event

Many were already supporters of the campaign but several new names were added to the list and the hot tea and gingerbread hare biscuits on offer were much appreciated on a cold and blustery day. People were truly dismayed at the prospect of a significant diversion to the path.

Philip's Photos of March Hare Day
Philip’s Photos of March Hare Day

Easter Egg Hunt, 13th April

Our next event will be between 2.00 And 4.00 pm on Saturday 13th April. Come and join us and have fun while learning more about the Centurion Way – essential if you are going to do well in the Quiz the following month.

Contacting Friends of Centurion Way

To keep you up to date with what’s happening concerning Centurion Way our web site is updated regularly. We’re on Facebook and you can E-mail us on Please get in touch and tell your friends and colleagues to get in touch and become Friends of Centurion Way supporters. We would love to hear from them.