Newsletter No.5

January 2019

Dear Friends of Centurion Way,

We have three actions you may wish to participate in during January and February. Engaging in any of these will help our campaign to protect Centurion Way.

Give Feedback on the Chichester Local Plan Review

Map of Chichester Area
The Chichester Local Plan Review will define local area authority planing policy until 2035. The main document is 259 pages long and we realise many of you do not have enough spare time to read this entire document. The Friends of Centurion Way website has a dedicated post outlining specific relevant sections where you can give feedback. We have also provided suggestions for what sort of feedback would be appropriate. Please follow this link if you feel you are able to help with this action!

Provide Biodiversity Records so we can have Centurion Way classified as a Wildlife Corridor

Sarah Hughes is the Community Wildlife Officer for Chichester District Council. She has contacted Sarah Sharp (our Green City Councillor) to ask if she knows local people who can give information about types of animals that use ‘Wildlife Corridors’ in the Chichester area.
Sussex Fox Cubs
Please follow this link to our post on reporting wildlife sightings if you feel you are able to support this action!

Love your Path Valentine Event on the 9th February from 2pm to 4pm

A Valentines themed event. You can come dressed in PINK to show us how much you LOVE your path, or show your PASSION for preserving it by bringing some heart shaped biscuits! Please join us by the railway footbridge if you feel you can help gather support. We aim to have plenty of hot soup available to help warm hearts while we hand out leaflets to raise awareness of the imminent threat to the path.
Taking a giant FoCW Valentines card to Dep Transport for Chris Grayling

FoCW taking a giant FoCW Valentines card to London Department of Transport for Chris Grayling last year

Contacting Friends of Centurion Way

To keep you up to date with what’s happening concerning Centurion Way our web site is updated regularly. We’re on Facebook and you can E-mail us on Please get in touch and tell your friends and colleagues to get in touch and become Friends of Centurion Way supporters. We would love to hear from them.

Best wishes to everyone in the New Year (On behalf of the Friends of Centurion Way).

Mark Record