Good News

Last week brought panic and a flurry of activity. Indeed, concerns from WSCC, lamp-post companies and also with issues of excessive cutting of nearby tree roots, caused doubts that the project could proceed at all.

Julia Smith and Carley Sitwell have now skilfully negotiated an alternative site, about 200 meters further North along the path, where the restored Archway can be installed.

This alternative location appears to keeps everyone happy – Bishop Luffa school, Miller-Linden developers, WSCC, Balfour Beatty and tree wardens. It’s in a clearing where the sun shines down! It really looks a good location!!

The Archway project also benefits from Chichester City Council kindly granting an additional £900 funding.

The new location is already being excavated in readiness for installation of the footings.

Carley has recently visited Peter Clutterbuck’s forge in Southsea and met with the SDNPA.

Julia Smith describes progress as “Exciting!!”.