Centurion Way Path Usage January 2022

During January 2022 the Centurion Way Path Counter located at the southern end of the path by Bishop Luffa School, recorded 32,223 individual journeys made by pedestrians and cyclists.

That is an average of 1,039 journeys recorded per day by the counter.

Saturday the 8th of January was quiet with only 479 journeys made on the path but by contrast 1,310 were made on the path on Thursday the 24th of January.

path usage in January 2022
Chart of path usage in January 2022. Blue bars show Northbound traffic and Red bars show southbound traffic

Raw data recorded by the counter during September is available here http://centurionway.org.uk/CounterData/2022-02-05.MEM

A day by day count of traffic on the path during January 2022 is available in CSV format here 2022 January Count

The raw data can be read using the IMMotion software available here https://www.im-motion.com/downloads/