On Tuesday 20th Feb, John Grimshaw, original designer of the Centurion Way path, is again visiting Chichester for a meeting with Chichester District Council along with other members of the Centurion Way committee.
If you are free, please join us for a photo outside the District Council offices (near the car park) at 3.00 pm. (As with last years’s meeting with the County Council, meeting with the District Council is limited to the FoCW steering committee members, but a show of support and attendance for the photo would be much appreciated).
On the same day, we are hoping to ask a question at the Chichester South County Local Committee meeting in the evening. The meeting proper starts at 7.00 pm with the “Talk with Us” Section starting at 8.05 pm. The meeting is located in County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RG . You need to walk under the archway on your right as you face the main building. The doorway is on your left about 100 yards down the road.
The Chichester Observer has now run a story on the group meeting
Chichester should hold out for the best’ say Centurion Way campaigners