What Feedback do the FoCW Recommend Giving?
Elements of the review that FoCW supporters will particularly wish to give feedback on.
- A key comment we should make is the need for a more Integrated Transport Plan with a focus on increased public transport, better walking and cycling – instead this document gives us changes to every junction which impact on trees and hedgerows, a new southern relief road which brings induced traffic and 2 junctions put current walking and cycling bridges under threat. Under a better plan our key walking and cycling route should be enhanced and preserved – unfortunately this requires searching through the document to locate where best to suggest additions that moves the document in this direction.
In the existing document, the lack of proper planning for people walking and cycling goes against the NICE guidelines.
- Policy DM8 section 2 on page 154 says Development is located and designed to minimise additional traffic generation and movement and should not create or add to problems of highway safety….We could add a section at the end of this paragraph that therefore CW and other cycle routes should be maintained and not destroyed.
- Policy S22: Historic Environment 5.16 – this section names some roads but doesn’t name cycle paths – we could ask for CW to be added to this.
- Policy S14: Chichester City Transport Strategy (page 60) offers very promising commitments! delivering strategic cycle routes linking the city centre, residential areas and key facilities, including proposed areas of new housing, employment and greenspace within
and close to the city; Improvements to the pedestrian network within and around the city, including proposed areas of new development and greenspace; We should ask that this policy states these strategic routes should specifically integrate and join CW, Salterns way, the Bognor cycle way and the south coast cycle route. - Page 199 (is also highly relevant)
Policy DM32: Green Infrastructure
Planning permission will be granted where it can be demonstrated that all the following
criteria have been addressed:•(point 4) The proposals do not lead to the dissection of the linear network of cycle ways, public rights of way, bridleways and ecological corridors; Here would be a good place to ask for specific mention on CW and other existing cycle paths. Clearly what is happening to CW is the dissection of a linear cycle way and having local policy outlaw this planning outcome would be particularly helpful!
Important Notes if you are Attending a Public Exhibition and wish to give Feedback
Sara Sharp attended a Chichester Local Plan Review exhibition on the 8th January and made the following important notes:
I have just been to the exhibition at CDC.
I was given a form and I think it will be essential – or at least easier to use their on-line form
You need to use a new form for each representation – so I presume this means each time you want to comment on a paragraph.
You need to give the page /paragraph number and the policy Reference no
You need to tick if you support or object or have comments
You then need to enter your full representation and give details of the reasons for support/objection – here it is good to reference govt policy or NICE guidelines or other best practice.
You then have a section to add the improvements or changes you suggest.
If you want to use the online form to give feedback and feel slightly technophobic, it might be easiest to find someone who is a confident computer user to help or to do it as a group activity. I suspect the form will be much easier to completer with a device that has significantly more screen area than a mobile phone (advice Mark Record).
How long do I have to get my Feedback to the local Authorities?
Consultation is open for eight weeks from 13 December 2018 to 7 February 2019!
Philip Maber has highlighted, there is an CDC exhibition about the Local Plan at their Offices on Tuesday 8th Jan at 3.00 till 8.00 p.m. and on Monday 14th January at 9.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m. He is considering going himself and has asked if any one else is interested in going.
The Chichester Society have a particularly helpful page that explains details of various public public exhibitions about the Local Plan Review.
How can I find the Chichester Local Plan Review documents?
The following link takes you to a top level page, good for getting an overview and explanation of the review process http://www.chichester.gov.uk/chichesterlocalplan2035
My understanding is that the main document open for comment is the Local Plan Review 2016-2035: Preferred Approach [pdf 27Mb] . However, I am unsure this document will reliably load using this link. It is a notably long document that takes a long time to read through.
Another way of locating the same document is to follow this link http://www.chichester.gov.uk/article/30923/Preferred-Approach—consultation-December-2018 and scroll down the page until you find the pdf files at the bottom of the page. The first document is the one which (I believe) is the main focus for consultation.
How should I give feedback on the Local Plan Review?
Due to the size and scope of the document/s, the council is keen that feedback is given clearly and is specifically addressed to precise elements within the review. Considering the lengthy administration task necessary to collate the feedback, this seems like a reasonable desire.
The councils preferred way of receiving review feedback is through a structured web based system https://chichester.jdi-consult.net/localplan/.
This system presumably shoulders some of the administrative burden through use of automation.
An alternative options for giving review feedback is offered through use of email or written post.
Email: planningpolicy@chichester.gov.uk
What part of this Review relates directly or indirectly to the Centurion Way Path?
The pdf version copy of the “Local Plan Review 2016-2035: Preferred Approach” document is 259 pages alone and there are five additional documents to also consider. I do not pretend to have thoroughly read all the areas of the review that may relate to the path and recommend that other FoCW supporters search through the documents.
Policy S14: Chichester City Transport Strategy (page 60) a very promising committents!
- Delivering strategic cycle routes linking the city centre, residential areas and key
facilities, including proposed areas of new housing, employment and greenspace within
and close to the city; - Improvements to the pedestrian network within and around the city, including proposed
areas of new development and greenspace;
Page 197 (is relevant)
7.185 Some key strategic green infrastructure assets of biodiversity, landscape and
recreational value in the plan area, include but are not limited to: (this then includes)
- Cycle paths such as Centurion Way and Salterns Way
- Cycle and pedestrian links within the plan area and to the National Park
Page 199 (is also relevant)
Policy DM32: Green Infrastructure
Planning permission will be granted where it can be demonstrated that all the following
criteria have been addressed:
- (point 4) The proposals do not lead to the dissection of the linear network of cycle ways, public rights of way, bridleways and ecological corridors;
Hopefully FoCW supporters find these links and instructions useful.
New years greetings on behalf of the Friends of Centurion Way,
Mark Record