There may now be little time to campaign for the protection of our path before it is re-directed to make way for a new road!
On Wednesday 29th November 2017 Linden and Miller Homes exhibited proposed plans for phase one of the Whitehouse Farm development in the Assembly Room, Council House, North Street. Phase one is for the development of 750 new houses on the west side of Chichester.
None of the plans at the exhibition included changes to Centurion way caused by the creation of a new southern access road from Whitehouse Farm estate. Representatives for Linden and Miller told several members of Friends of Centurion Way that the southern access road was not part of phase one of the development.
However according to an article by the Chichester Observer Linden and Miller Homes have already pledged to have the southern access route in place by occupation of the 225th home – and even earlier for construction traffic! (see “largest-development-in-chichester-s-history” Chichester Observer)
Sarah Sharp has explained that her understanding of the developers time-line is that “the plan is for the Southern Access Road to be usable by construction vehicles by March 2021 and for residential traffic by December 2021”.
Presumably if the road necessitating the rerouting of centurion way is to be in use by construction vehicles in as little as 3 years time, then the planing decisions for re-routing Centurion Way must surly be imminent.
If you are concerned about how the southern access route is going to effect the pathway you should attend our public exhibition of plans being organised by Friends of Centurion Way on Saturday 27th January from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Scout Hut, Sherborne Road, Chichester