Path Usage in March 2021

The Friends of Centurion Way have now collected almost a quarter years figures of path usage starting from Jan 1st 2021. We only completed installation of the counter at lunch time on new years day so missed data from the very first morning of the year. The counter is at the Southern end of Centurion Way just South of the Railway Bridge crossing by Bishop Luffa school.

A chart of path usage during March 2021 is shown below.

Path Usage March 2021
Blue bars represent Northbound Traffic and Red bars represent Southbound Traffic

The highest count was recorded on 16th of March with 682 journeys counted in the North-bound direction and 715 journeys heading in the South-bound direction giving a sum of 1397 journeys being recorded on that day.

Over the whole 31 days of March, a total of 3397 journeys were counted in either direction giving an average of 1085 journeys made on the path each day.

Data giving hourly counts of the paths usage over March 2021 is available in .csv format here 2021March.csv.

Raw data recorded by the counter in March is available here

The raw data can be read using the IMMotion software available here

A chart of the path usage over the first quarter of 2021 is shown below.

First Quarter CW path use 2021
Blue bars represent Northbound Traffic and Red bars represent Southbound Traffic

Over the 90 days of the first quarter of 2021, a total 85343 journeys were recorded in either direction giving an average of 948 journeys recorded each day.

Daily count data recorded by the counter over the first quarter of 2021 is available here 2021FirstQuarter.csv

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