We are Measuring the Popularity of Centurion Way in 2021

At approximately 12 O’clock on New Years day of 2021 the Centurion Way people counter first began continuously logging how many people use the Southern end of Centurion Way. It also monitors at what times people chose to travel on the path.

Philip Maber cheated frosty winter weather wearing toasty neoprene gloves (that he got for Christmas) while he bolted on the mount that now holds the FoCW counter.

Philip Maber mounting the counter
Philip Maber mounting the FoCW people counter on New Years Day 2021

The next stage of this project is to make manual verification counts in parallel with the automatic counter so that we can determine if it is functioning correctly.

We hope plenty of people enjoy using Centurion Way in the New Year so we can get a good count with high numbers . This will help us lobby lobby local government to maintaining adequate walking and cycling facilities in this part of Chichester despite the pressure to re-allocate this public space as a busy access road to new housing development.

Happy New Year to everyone,

Mark Record (on behalf of the friends on Centurion Way)

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