Thursday afternoon, 16th February 2023 one of our Facebook supporters let us know that the Arch Sculptures had been moved from its covered storage at the WSCC Depot.
We knew that we would have to move it out this spring but not quite yet! After a few desperate phone calls and an early morning site visit to the Depot, where we met with a very helpful Highways Manager. He kindly kitted us out with hi vis jackets and took us round the depot to find our missing Arch. We were quite interested to see what is stored at the depot but even more pleased to find the Arch tucked away in an old parking bay.
We urgently need to find a new storage place for the Arch sculptures while we continue fund raising and applying for grants to pay for the full restoration and installation, it doesn’t necessarily have to be undercover, but if you know of any place please message us.
Finally we would like to thank the officers from Balfour Beatty and WSCC Highways for being so helpful. Without them we would not have an Archway to restore!
We will keep you posted.