Centurion Way people counter is mounted between two gates leading into Bishop Luffa School and consequently it counts few of the staff or students arriving or leaving the school each day. Nonetheless, significant numbers of other types of user are counted travelling on the path each day. 33,305 individual journeys were counted on the path during the month November 2021. This averages out at around 1,110 journeys made per day! Assuming the city’s population has change little since the 2011 census, Chichester has approximately 26,795 residents. This means on average around one journey is made per person in Chichester every month on Centurion Way. Although, Westgate sees higher numbers of car journeys made (at around 5,000 per day), many of these journeys are from through traffic with many passengers not stopping to interact with the city’s community. However, most journeys counted on Centurion Way are likely local journeys made by pedestrians and cyclists travelling only a few miles. Moreover, the Centurion Counter under counts slightly giving only a lower bound to the number of people who pass the sensor. The reason the counter undercounts is because it uses an infrared beam and some people walk through in unison preventing the counter differentiate them as individuals. This makes the number of journeys counted on the path all the more impressive! As Centurion Way increasingly serves an expanding community including new residents from West of Chichester development, the path will become ever more important as a vital comunity sustainable transport hub.
The chart below shows the path usage over the month of November 2021

Raw data recorded by the counter during November is available here http://centurionway.org.uk/CounterData/2021-12-06.MEM
A day by day count of traffic on the path during November 2021 is available in CSV format here 2021NovemberCount.
The raw data can be read using the IMMotion software available here https://www.im-motion.com/downloads/