The Friends of Centurion Way are meeting up again on New Years Day.
We will meet up on the Centurion Way path by the Tesco Footbridge (next to Bishop Luffa School) at 12:00 Hours on New Years Day.
We plan for people joining us to either walk or cycle up to the Amphitheatre (located at the Railway men sculptures) to show our community support for maintaining and extending exelent quality local walking and cycling routes.
Some FoCW members plan to continue cycling from the Amphitheatre up to West Dean but some of the group will return to Chichester. People are welcome to join either party when we split up at the Amphitheatre.

Previous New Years Day 2019 cycle ride/walk image shown above
Looking forward to many of us joining together for a community walk and cycle event to begin a happy New Year.
Mark Record (on behalf of the Friends of Centurion Way)
Please also consider joining residents half an hour earlier at Westgate to create a press release photo (11:30)
Some people may wish to arrive half an hour earlier (11:30) to meet at the Westgate/Sherborne-Rd mini-roundabout for new post photograph. Mark Record is campaigning against imminent construction of a scheme intending to dangerously reroute cyclists onto the pavements around this mini roundabout. The route will require cyclists to ride around blind corners on narrow pavements which will cause serious problems for cyclists and pedestrians alike. These changes are an incremental step towards a proposed staggered junction layout that will make riding continuously along Westgate difficult for cyclists. The longer term proposed changes are shown below.
The interim arrangement, after relocating cyclists onto the pavements but before joining the southern access road, will still cause danger and inconvenience.
A particular concern is what will happen to cyclists turning left at the northern side of the roundabout. Cyclists and pedestrians approaching each other at these corners will see one another in the last second before collision. If you believe this might be a problem, please consider joining Mark to create a press release photo highlighting the issues.
The interim layout and its particular dangers involving cyclists turning left is illustrated in the images below.