Thanks to everyone who has been helping fundraise, especially everyone who joined us for the pub quiz on the 14th May.
We know Chichester District Council planning department have an agreement with local housing developers about building a new road that threatens Centurion Way! Documents show this agreement anticipates the availability of the Southern Access Road to be open for construction vehicles around the delivery of the 120/125th dwelling.
Draft plans for the Southern Access Road show poor provision for cycling and walking with Centurion Way potentially loosing it’s first Southern half kilometre to an inconvenient Westward diversion!
We hope that by installing a counter we can demonstrate how vital Centurion Way is to the local community. By providing evidence of the levels of traffic the path sees we hope to persuade local planners to provide better standards of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure that meet or exceed the Department for Transport guidelines.
Sustrans already have a counter at Hunters Race but it works a little like a metal detector so only sees the metal frames of bicycles. However, the soon to be installed Friends of Centurion Way counter will count all path users and show the total number of people using the path. It will sense path users wirelessly and beam the path usage data into the “cloud”. We intend to hire the device initially for six months and hope to extend this period for twelve months if funds allow.
Why not get as much fresh air and exercise as possible on the path so we can show how much people love to use Centurion Way!