The popularity of Centurion Way is unsurprisingly proving to be weather dependent.
Wet weather slightly dampened peoples appetite to get fresh air and exercise on the path in the latter half of the month.

A total of 29,618 journeys were recorded by the FoCW counter in July 2021.
Wikipedia reports that the 2011 Census recorded 26,795 souls reside within the city. If Chichester’s population has remained within 10% of the 2011 census count, then the counter has counted more than one journey per person who lives in the city during the month of July 2021.
The counter is situated at the southern end of Centurion Way immediately south of the railway crossing bridge at Bishop Luffa school.
An hourly count of path usage in July 2021 is available here in .csv format
Raw data recorded by the counter in July is available here
The raw data can be read using the IMMotion software available here